free Resources

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Free VisuAl trackers

Use this chart to color in your progress as you pay off debt. This freebie includes three visual trackers:

-Goodbye to All That Debt (Debt Tracker)

-Emerging Artist Emergency Fund (Emergency Savings Tracker)

-My Next Self-Funded Project (Savings Tracker)

The Literally Broke Workbook

Free #Goals Workbook

A step-by-step guide to setting $$$ goals you can actually achieve.

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free Budget Template

This budgeting template is artist-friendly (no crazy math or Excel formulas here). You’ll get:

-A list of easy-to-follow directions so that you can build a budget the Literally Broke Way

-A two-page Excel document that you can use and update month after month. Bonus: Upload this Excel to Google sheets for easy budgeting on the go!

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Mindful spending challenge

Download our free spending tracker so you can spend more purposefully and mindfully.