Literally Broke | Personal Finance

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My September Net Worth Update

Oh baby oh baby oh baby 

We’re midway through September, and I’m finally filling you in on where my net worth stood at the beginning of the month. Yes, I started writing this blog and never finished. 

At check-in, my September net worth was -$7,465. It has, in all honesty, gone down since I last checked the total. This is because I had to pull out some savings to cover the fact that the federal government owes me $1,200. Unemployment, am I right?

Have you noticed my net worth updates are always a little unhinged? Don’t answer that. 


My net worth went up by $889 between August and September, which isn’t awful given I was feeding off the American teet known as unemployment. 

But, in other news, I’m employed again!! And I’m like technically a full-time freelance writer now? Which is cool. 

Debts mostly stayed the same over the last month - the main differentiator is that my savings went up. This is due to me saving as usual and just letting the wind take me where it takes me. 

Next month’s check-in may be a doozy, and honestly, at this point, I’m unsure if I’ll be net worth positive by the end of this year. I feel a strange amount of shame around that because reaching net worth positivity was one of my main incentives in starting Literally Broke. 

Obviously accountability only goes so far when you’re living amid a pandemic and were let go as a result of COVID-19. 

Many people who are successful in personal finance have a cohesive brand a la “paid off 100k in debt in six months” and “saved 1 million dollars by the time they were 30,” and not fitting into that narrative sometimes messes with my head. I worry that not reaching net worth positivity means I’ve let you (and the blog) down. 

Anyway, the important thing is I actually don’t know the future yet. A lot could change between now and December. And maybe at my October check-in, I’ll be like, “DAMN SCARLETT WHY ARE YOU SO DRAMATIC?” Because I’m dramatic, that’s why. 

In any case, my progress this month is positive. I’m $889 richer than I used to be and given everything that’s going on in the world that’s a really big achievement. It’s also something I’m grateful for, even if it hurts my ~brand~.

Thanks for being here, thanks for reading, and thanks for holding me accountable. 

